This project will increase access to climate-resilient infrastructure and quality social services for marginalised communities, emphasising gender equity and inclusivity.
{"title": "Belize Social Investment Fund III - Amendment", "id": "11170","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Integrated Solid Waste Management Project - Amendment", "id": "11171","country": "Grenada", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will focus on public awareness and education, engineering services, monitoring and evaluation, and implementing institutional strengthening and capacity building measures, all aimed at achieving improved and sustained Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM).
{"title": "Energy Efficiency Measures and Solar Photovoltaic", "id": "10434","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce the consumption of fossil fuel-generated electricity through energy efficiency measures and renewable energy substitution, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
{"title": "Utility Battery Storage and Grid-connected Solar PV", "id": "10429","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Strengthening response and resilience in the Health Sector in St. Vincent and the Grenadines", "id": "9905","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will boost the capacity of public healthcare in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, addressing COVID-19 related challenges and other emergencies through increased surveillance, case detection and critical care services.
{"title": "Saint Lucia MSME Loan-Grant Facility", "id": "9903","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will amplify the performance of MSME's post-pandemic, promoting their resilience, growth, and sustainability thereby contributing to Saint Lucia's economic development.
{"title": "Youth Empowerment Project", "id": "9904","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will advance the Government of Saint Lucia's capability to deliver integrated, provide integrated, results-based youth empowerment responses to at-risk children, youth, and families in selected Castries communities and augment the resilience of their target beneficiaries, ultima
{"title": "Student Loan Line of Credit", "id": "9906","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project is will yield a substantial increase in graduates from post-secondary and tertiary education programmes and enhance the employability of the local workforce, particularly individuals from financially disadvantaged households promoting inclusive development and regional prosperity.
{"title": "Supporting Learning Continuity - SKN", "id": "9901","country": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Building Resilience for Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Variability in Agriculture in Saint Lucia", "id": "9900","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Agricultural and Industrial Line of Credit", "id": "9888","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will deliver accessible agricultural and industrial credit to both start-up and existing MSMEs, to improve the productive capacity, employment opportunities, economic growth and the market potential of Belize.
{"title": "ANU - Strengthening resilience and supporting recovery in Antigua and Barbuda - Covid-19 Response Health Project", "id": "9887","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Resilient Rural Belize (Be-Resilient)", "id": "9886","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "8th Consolidated Line of Credit", "id": "9889","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Enhancing Learning Continuity and Resiliency", "id": "9891","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Safety Nets for Vulnerable Populations Affected by Coronavirus-Saint Lucia Project", "id": "9892","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will ensure an improved quality of life for vulnerable individuals, amidst the COVID-19 crisis, thereby preserving human capital together with fostering inclusive and resilient learning in the social and special education sectors, zoning in on individuals with special education needs
{"title": "Safety Nets for Vulnerable Populations", "id": "9893","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
This project will ensure a minimum quality of life for vulnerable populations, maintain income and employment levels while preserving essential human capital. It also will improve educational continuity, inclusiveness and resilience.
{"title": "Second Road Safety Project", "id": "8658","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will enhance road safety along a demonstration corridor from Belize City to the border with Mexico, by improving road safety management; increasing the awareness and understanding of risks, improving traffic law enforcement; and enhancing post-crash response.
{"title": "Third Water - Ambergris Caye", "id": "8659","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will set up a safe, reliable and climate-resilient supply of potable water to residents and businesses on southern Ambergris Caye with gender-inclusive human resource management and improved communications of the Belize Water Services.
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Tropical Storm Ophelia)", "id": "8660","country": "Dominica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce risks associated with landslide and flood hazards in the Roseau Valley through the rehabilitation and reconstruction of critical infrastructure. The works will reduce the vulnerability of the project sites and communities to future adverse weather-related events.
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - Layou Flood Event", "id": "8661","country": "Dominica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce risks associated with flood hazards in the Layou River Valley by the rehabilitating and reconstructing critical infrastructure to better than pre-flood event standards; constructing an emergency shelter and resource centre to internationally accepted standards and guidelin
{"title": "Third Water Supply Project - Water Area 1 - Network Upgrade", "id": "8662","country": "Dominica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will set up an efficient, climate resilient, reliable and sustainable supply of potable water to all consumers within the Water Area-1 network, encompassing the capital city of Roseau and the country’s main health care, residential, commercial and industrial centres.
{"title": "Road Infrastructure Rehab. (UKCIF)", "id": "8657","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will increase resilience in the road sector and bolster the socio-economic development of Antigua and Barbuda. The two corridors to be rehabilitated serve as primary arteries, linking the capital of St.
{"title": "NDM-RRL Hurricane Irma", "id": "8656","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reconstruct a bridge and several roads; repair, retrofit and reconstruct several education facilities and teacher accommodation; construct a desalination plant and water storage tank; and rehabilitate and construct agricultural infrastructure.
{"title": "St. Lucia Education Quality Improvement Project", "id": "8655","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Southern Plains Agricultural Development Project (UKCIF)", "id": "8654","country": "Jamaica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Strengthening Food Safety Management", "id": "8651","country": "Grenada", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Essex Valley Agricultural Development Project", "id": "8653","country": "Jamaica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will enhance the production and productivity of farmers by providing improved irrigation systems and climate smart agricultural production and marketing facilities and systems for farmers, operating on approximately 700 hectares of arable land at Essex Valley in St. Elizabeth.
{"title": "Skills Development and Employability", "id": "8652","country": "Guyana", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "NDM - Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation", "id": "8663","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Sandy Bay Sea Defences Resilience Project", "id": "8664","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will enhance the resilience of the Sandy Bay and other North Windward communities to coastal hazards and the impacts of climate change by constructing climate-resilient sea defences.
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Hurricane Tomas/North Windward)", "id": "8665","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce the risks associated with landslide and flood hazards by rehabilitating and reconstructing critical infrastructure to better conditions than before Hurricane Tomas hit in 2010; upgrading and improving impacted emergency shelters to internationally accepted standards; and a
{"title": "Community -Based Agriculture and Rural Development II", "id": "8687","country": "Haiti", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Community-Based Agriculture And Rural Development", "id": "8685","country": "Haiti", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Technical And Vocational Education And Training Project Phase II", "id": "8684","country": "Haiti", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "6th Road (Coastal Highway Upgrading) Project", "id": "8680","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - December 2013, Trough Event", "id": "8679","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Grenada Education Enhancement Project Phase 2", "id": "8678","country": "Grenada", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Second Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation", "id": "8677","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Loubiere to Grand Bay Road Reconstruction Project", "id": "8673","country": "Dominica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will rehabilitate 11 km of road corridor from Loubiere Bridge to Grand Bay Junction, inclusive of bridges with an enhanced decision-making capacity for planning, management, and maintenance of the road sector, as well as Increased efficiency, resilience and safety along the corridor.<
{"title": "Port Modernisation Project", "id": "8667","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve the efficiency of cargo port services at the Port of Kingstown; enhance climate resilience and environmental sustainability in the port area; and boost living conditions for relocated households.
{"title": "Fourth Road Project - South Leeward Highward Rehabilitation and Upgrade", "id": "8666","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Quality Enhancement In Public Education", "id": "8686","country": "Haiti", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Street Lighting Retrofitting", "id": "8623","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce street lighting energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions; and enhance the Antigua Public Utilities Authority’s capacity in climate change planning.
{"title": "Youth and Community Transformation Project", "id": "8615","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce the vulnerability of children and youth to crime and gang membership in the Collet, Lake Independence, Pickstock and Port Loyola divisions of Belize City in order to improve citizen and community security.
{"title": "Grenada Education Enhancement Project Phase 1", "id": "8616","country": "Grenada", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Technical and Vocational Education and Training Enhancement Project", "id": "8618","country": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Settlement Upgrading Project", "id": "8619","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Technical and Vocational Education and Training Development, Plus Add Loan of $7 317", "id": "8620","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Enhancement of TVET AT Lower Secondary School Level", "id": "8621","country": "Suriname", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "RRL - Hurricane Irma", "id": "8622","country": "Anguilla", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will fully restore the electricity transmission and distribution system and enhance the capacity of the Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. to improve the climate resilience of the electricity supply of Anguilla.
{"title": "Solar Photovoltaic RE Systems (IDB-SEF)", "id": "8624","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will provide a resilient, grid-interactive energy supply in selected rural health and education facilities to improve the disaster resilience of the health and education sectors.
{"title": "Belize Social Investment Fund III", "id": "8614","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Belize Education Sector Reform Programme II", "id": "8613","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The programme will construct and equip 35 schools across the pre-primary, primary and secondary levels to increase access to quality basic education and assist the Government in increasing the number of children benefitting from the current reforms in the education sector.
{"title": "Sea and River Defence Resilience Project", "id": "8611","country": "Guyana", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Water Sector Strategic Project", "id": "8594","country": "Dominica", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve the efficiency and climate resilience of the water supply and distribution infrastructure; expand the climate resilience and treatment performance of wastewater systems; and enhance the operational capacity of Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Ltd.
{"title": "Constitution River Flood Mitigation", "id": "8595","country": "Barbados", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Phillip Goldson Highway Upgrading", "id": "8596","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will increase safety, accessibility, efficiency and resilience of the Philip Goldson Highway between miles 24.5 to 92, and the Remate Bypass; and improve capacity for informed decision-making for livelihood enhancement along the highway and the Remate Bypass.
{"title": "Grantley Adams International Airport Pavement Rehabilitation and Expansion", "id": "8597","country": "Barbados", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve the quality of the Grantley Adams International Airport infrastructure, improve institutional capacity of Grantley Adams International Airport Inc. and reduce energy consumption from pavement lighting of the airport.
{"title": "Road Management and Rural Roads Improvement Programme", "id": "8598","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Linden to Mabura Hills Road Project", "id": "8600","country": "Guyana", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will increase the efficiency, accessibility, safety and resilience to climate hazards along the road corridor between Linden and Mabura Hill; improve attitudes and practices regarding livelihood opportunities, social inclusion and gender equality among community residents; and enhance
{"title": "Hospitality and Tourism Training Institute", "id": "8601","country": "Guyana", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Schools Improvement Project Phase 1", "id": "8602","country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - Extreme Rainfall Event", "id": "8610","country": "Grenada", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce the risks associated with landslide and flood hazards in the parishes of St. Mark and St. John by rehabilitating and reconstructing damaged roads and constructing flood mitigation works in the town of Gouyave.
{"title": "Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Grant - Barbuda Energy Resilience Project", "id": "8625","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "NDM - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction - Hurricane Tomas", "id": "8639","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Eighth Water( Dennery North Water Supply Redevelopment Project", "id": "8640","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Seventh Water (John Compton Dam Rehabilitation) Project", "id": "8641","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will set up a reliable and climate-resilient supply of potable water to residents and businesses in the north of Saint Lucia; and enhance management and operational capacity of the Water and Sewerage Company Inc.
{"title": "Sixth Water (Vieux Fort Water Supply Redevelopment) Project", "id": "8642","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Reconstruction Project", "id": "8643","country": "Saint Lucia", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will increase the efficiency, resilience and road safety of the Millennium Highway and West Coast Road; and improve maintenance, management and planning for the road sector in Saint Lucia.
{"title": "Street Lighting Retrofit and Advanced Metering Infrastructure", "id": "8645","country": "Suriname", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce street lighting energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions; improve operational efficiency of Energie Bedrijven Suriname; and increase its capacity in climate adaptation planning.
{"title": "Power Project - Electricity System Upgrade and Expansion", "id": "8646","country": "Suriname", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve the reliability, capability and operational flexibility of Energie Bedrijven Suriname’s sub-transmission and distribution network on the Energie Voorziening Paramaribo and the Energie Voorziening Nickerie power systems, in the delivery of quality power supply to customers
{"title": "Community College Development Project", "id": "8647","country": "Anguilla", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will expand access, and improve quality and effectiveness, of post-secondary and tertiary education in Anguilla. This will lead to the enhancement of human resource capacity, contributing to the sustainable social and economic development of the country.
{"title": "Basic Education Project II", "id": "8648","country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve access, quality and effectiveness of early childhood development and basic education in Antigua and Barbuda. The project will also contribute to the sustainable social and economic development of the country.
{"title": "Enhancing Sugarcane Farmers Resilience to Natural Hazard Events", "id": "8649","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Street Lighting Retrofitting", "id": "8637","country": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce street and flood lighting energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions in St. Kitts and Nevis; and enhance the capacity of the St. Kitts Electricity Company Ltd. and the Nevis Electricity Company Ltd. in climate change adaptation planning.
{"title": "Montserrat Port Development Project (UKCIF)", "id": "8636","country": "Montserrat", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Speightstown Flood Mitigation", "id": "8628","country": "Barbados", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Enhancement of Immigration Services", "id": "8629","country": "Barbados", "status": "Under Implementation" }
{"title": "Water Supply Network Upgrade Project", "id": "8630","country": "Barbados", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will enhance the safety and efficiency of the potable water supply system in Barbados, and expand the water sector planning capacity in the areas of gender inclusion, non-revenue water management and climate change adaptation planning.
{"title": "Sixth Power Project", "id": "8633","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will improve the reliability of Belize’s sub-transmission and distribution systems, delivering quality power supply to customers in an efficient manner, with sufficient capacity that caters to increased projected demand for electricity in four major load centres across the country to
{"title": "Seventh Power Project (Caye Caulker Submarine)", "id": "8634","country": "Belize", "status": "Under Implementation" }
The project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the reliability of the supply of electricity to Caye Caulker, with increased capability to meet the projected increase in peak demand.