The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is a coral-based archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Florida and northeast of Cuba. The Bahamas is comprised of 700 islands and over 2,000 rocks and cays, sprinkled over 100,000 square miles of ocean. The Bahamas is a founding member of the Bank.

Capital City
Bahamian Dollar (BSD)
% of shares
5.10 (as of December 31, 2017)
Bahamas map
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By the Numbers

Distribution of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants Approved (NET) by Sector (1970 - 2019)
Total approvals (1970 - 2019) ($'000)


Approval Of Loans, Contingent Loads, Equity and Grants (NET) (2014 - 2019) ($'000)

By the Numbers

Last Updated - 03/12/2024
Distribution of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants Approved (NET) by Sector (2010 - 2023)
Total approvals (2010 - 2023) ($'000)


Approval Of Loans, Contingent Loans, Equity and Grants (NET) (2019 - 2023 YTD)


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