This page lists general procurement opportunities that are currently available. Click here to view Other Procurement Notices.
Nombre del proyecto Sector País
Southern Plains Agricultural Development Project Agriculture Jamaica
Southern St. Georges Water Supply Expansion Project Water and Sanitation Grenada
Street and Flood Light Retrofitting Project Energy generation, distribution and efficiency Saint Kitts and Nevis
Street Light Retrofitting Project Energy generation, distribution and efficiency The Bahamas
Street Lighting Retrofit and Advanced Metering Infrastructure Energy generation, distribution and efficiency Suriname
Strengthening Export Capacity of Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Producers in The Dominican Republic to achieve better access to The European Union and CARIFORUM Market Agriculture Regional
Strengthening Institutional Capacity for a Resilient Caribbean Coastal and Marine Environment (RCCAME) Project Climate Action Regional
Strengthening of Regional Quality Infrastructure Programme Trade Regional
Strengthening Private Sector Capacity to Utilise The CARIFORUM-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) to increase Competitiveness and Maximise Opportunities for Global Export Trade Antigua and Barbuda
Strengthening Surveillance Programmes for Bovine Tuberculosis and Bovine Brucellosis to Improve Market Access for Guyana Cattle Livestock Guyana