Nombre del proyecto Sector País Tipo Oferta ganadora
Belize Social Investment Fund III Social Sector Belize Consultancy Belize - Anthony Thurton and Associates Ltd.

BZD 251,887.50 (Inclusive of taxes)
Belize Education Sector Reform Programme II Education Belize Consultancy St. Lucia - Marcus Edward

USD 67,000
Sixth Power Project - Electricity System Upgrade and Expansion Energy generation, distribution and efficiency Belize Works USA - S and C Electric Company

USD 398,151
Second Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project Transportation Antigua and Barbuda Consultancy Italy - Fred Engineering S.r.l.

USD 259,500
Second Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project Transportation Antigua and Barbuda Consultancy Antigua - Anne Harewood-George

USD 97,200
Second Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project Transportation Antigua and Barbuda Consultancy St. Lucia - Dennis Cudjoe

USD 259,500
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Support (Hurricane Irma) Reconstruction Relief and Rehabilitation Antigua and Barbuda Consultancy Guyana- Andrew Jeffrey

USD 134,775
Kingstown Port Modernisation Project: Lot 1- Primary Cargo Port Design and Build Contract Tourism Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works Canada - Aecon Construction Group Inc.

USD155, 303, 809. 73 & EUR12, 306, 636.14
Kingstown Port Modernisation Project: Lot 1 - Primary Cargo Port Design Review and Construction Supervision Tourism Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Consultancy Germany - Sellhorn Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

EUR3, 884, 905
Development of a Regional Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) for Four Countries Regional Consultancy Canada - Le Groupe-conseil Baastel Itee (Baastel)
