The Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL) has received financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in an amount equivalent to Five million, two hundred and twenty thousand United States dollars (US$5.22 million) towards the cost of the Building Capacity and Resilience in the Health Sector to Respond to the Coronavirus-2019 Project - Saint Lucia and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued. Payments by CDB will be made only at the request of GOSL and upon approval by CDB and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOSL shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs, (MOHWEA) the Executing Agency, now wishes to procure the services of a firm to assist the Health Education Unit with Health Risk Communication.
The objective of the consultancy is to improve the capacity of MOHWEA in developing and promoting health risk communication aimed at the St. Lucian public. The duration of the assignment is expected to be a period of five (5) months.
Consultants shall be eligible to participate that:
- Demonstrate registration and licensure of the company relevant to jurisdiction of an eligible country; and
- in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country or company registered thereof.
Companies from all countries are eligible to participate. Consultants are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provision in Section 5 of both the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (November 2019) and Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January 2021) as published on CDB’s website.
In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to technical competence, qualifications and experience, local and regional experience on similar assignments.
Key Experts will not be evaluated at the EOI submission stage. Expressions of Interest shall provide background on the Consultant’s company and demonstrate that they have sufficient relevant expertise and experiences, in particular:
The firm should have:
- (a) At least five years of proven proficiency and experience in crafting and executing national or regional risk communication strategies and leading campaigns.
- (b) A pool of suitably qualified and experienced experts in the fields of mass communication, graphic design and social media broadcasting
- (c) Demonstrated experience, of at least five (5) years, in developing promotional products utilizing radio and television as well as experience in graphic design, videography and video editing.
- (d)A proven track record, over a minimum of three years, of successful social marketing, risk communication, branding and marketing experience.
- (e) Evidence of creative and innovative communication strategies and out-of-box campaign ideas.
- (f) At least three years’ experience in management of social media platforms including posting and boosting
- (g)Understanding of industry trends in marketing and consumer psychology as well as demonstrated knowledge of the latest industry news and information.
- (h) Capacity for the creation of communications materials that are gender-responsive and inclusive.
- (i) Relevant experience in small island developing states
Interested consultant teams are required to submit their Expression of Interest using the “EOI Consulting Firms template” attached to this REOI. All information must be submitted in English. Further information, including the Terms of Reference, may be obtained from the first address and simultaneously copied to the third address below between 09:00 and 15:00 hours local time Monday to Friday.
One electronic copy of the Expression of Interest, in Portable Document Format (PDF), must be received at the first email addresses below no later than 16:00 hours local time on July 1st , 2024 and one electronic copy must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second email address below. The email shall include the name and address of the company and the subject caption shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Health Risk Communication Consultant”.
The selection method shall be Consultants’ Qualifications Selection. Therefore, following the assessment of submissions, Consultants shall be assessed and compared, and the best qualified and experienced firm shall be selected. Only the selected firm shall be asked to submit a combined technical and financial proposal and, if such proposal is responsive and acceptable, be invited to negotiate a contract.
GOSL reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not selecting any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.