Volumes 1 + 2- Environmental & Social Impact (June 2024)
Volume 3- Stakeholder Engagement Plan (June 2024)
Volume 4 - Livelihood Restoration Framework (June 2024)
Volume 5 - Environmental and Social Management Plan (June 2024)
Voulme I - Non-Technical Summary (Sept. 2023)
Volume 2- Environmental & Social Impact (Sept. 2023)
Volume 3- Stakeholder Engagement (Sept. 2023)
Volume 4- Livelihood Restoration (Sept. 2023)
Volume 5- Environmental & Social Management (Sept. 2023)
The ESIA reports the findings of the assessment of potential environmental and social impacts of the proposed geothermal exploration drilling activity, which is the current phase of the Grenada Geothermal Energy Development Project (the Project).
The Project is of critical strategic importance to Grenada. The successful implementation of 15MW of baseload renewable geothermal power to the national grid is the foundational cornerstone of the ongoing process of transforming Grenada's economy to one powered by indigenous renewable energy.