
CDB Supporting Sustainable Development through Entrepreneurship

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Over 75 male and female entrepreneurs, professionals, representatives of international development organisations and academia from across the Region gathered in Linstead, Jamaica last month to strategically examine the sustainable livelihoods agenda in the Caribbean. The occasion was the 6th Annual Caribbean Sustainable Livelihoods through Entrepreneurship Conference, organised by the Caribbean Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Livelihoods (COESL) in partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and others.
Held under the theme, ‘Creating the Caribbean's Entrepreneurial Citizen, Taking Development to the Community,' the three-day session included presentations and panel discussions on topics such as Regionalism as a Sustainable Livelihoods and Development Strategy- Regional Entrepreneurship Development; The Caribbean Business Mentors Model- New Breed of Producers; and Advancing Food Security, Women Entrepreneurship and Green Livelihood in the Context of Climate Change.
On Thursday, January 23, 2014, Managing Director of COESL, Mrs. Marcia Brandon presented CDB with a partnership appreciation award for its continued support of the conference, noting this year's event achieved all of its objectives.
Ms. Lisa Harding, Operations Officer, Private Sector Development Unit, CDB accepted the award on behalf of the Bank, stating, "Entrepreneurship has an important role to play in the continued socio-economic growth of our Region, through the creation of new business opportunities and increased innovation to tackle the challenges facing us in areas such as climate change and renewable energy. We are pleased to have partnered with the COESL for the past six years in support of an initiative which assists with the development of our Region's entrepreneurs."
The 2013 Conference welcomed participants from Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Anguilla, Montserrat, Haiti, Panama, and Grenada.
CAPTION: Ms. Lisa Harding, Operations Officer, Private Sector Development Unit, CDB (left) accepts a partnership appreciation award from Managing Director of COESL, Mrs. Marcia Brandon for the Bank's continued support of the Caribbean Sustainable Livelihoods through Entrepreneurship Conference.

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