
Dominica TA

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July 22, 2010 No. 34/10-BD CDB TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FUNDING FOR DOMINICA The Government of Dominica is to receive a technical assistance grant equivalent to USD434,560 from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to assist in establishing a Project Implementation and Management Unit within the Ministry of Public Works, Energy and Ports. This funding will also be used to develop systems to improve efficiencies and project management expertise across the Ministry. It's part of a commitment which CDB entered into jointly with the Inter-American Development Bank to improve the policy and institutional framework within the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. CDB's intervention will assist the Ministry to improve its project implementation and management capacity, and realign its organisational structure to better enable it to fulfil its current mandate. Another component of the project is establishing a mentorship programme in the Ministry to focus on developing the skill set of the technical staff not assigned to the Project Implementation and Management Unit, particularly the junior engineers, with particular emphasis on improving proficiency in project management and contract administration.

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