Development Effectiveness Review 2023
Child in classroom reading on tablet
DER 2023

The Development Effectiveness Review (DER) is the flagship report of CDB which documents the Bank’s progress towards achieving the priorities and targets outlined in the corporate Strategic Plan 2020–2024 and the Strategic Plan Update 2022–2024 (SPU).

In 2021, the Bank revised its Strategic Plan in response to global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the worsening global climate crisis and the resultant economic challenges faced by the Caribbean region. The SPU reaffirmed the focus on resilience, outlining five strategic objectives: social resilience, environmental resilience, production resilience, financial resilience and institutional resilience. These strategic objectives are bolstered by three cross-cutting themes: governance, gender equality and regional cooperation.

Utilising a results-based approach, the DER tracks CDB’s performance against the corporate-level Results Management Framework based on the indicators identified in the SPU.


Table of contents

Caribbean Progress Towards Development Goals and Outcomes

CDB's Contribution to Development Outcomes

How Well CDB Manages its Operations 

How Efficient is CDB as an Organisation 

Summary and the Way Forward