Government and civil society, general
Public sector policy and administrative management
Barbados, Grenada commence CDB-funded training to improve public policy and project management
CDB, Mexico announce Fund to boost regional infrastructure
Mexico, Regional
CDB, Adaptation Fund to invest more in regional climate resilience programmes
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency
CDB approves funding to support geothermal development in St. Kitts and Nevis
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency
CDB receives EU funding to support geothermal energy development
Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency
CDB: Technical support, diversity critical in Caribbean's shift to clean energy
Energy generation, distribution and efficiency
CDB approves funding to advance grid modernisation and energy storage in the Caribbean
CDB funds project to develop digital toolkit for CAPE Environmental Science
Disaster prevention and preparedness
Mexico and CDB approve USD14 mn grant to CCRIF SPC
CDB approves project to improve support for youth development in the Caribbean Region