
CDB to Revise Housing Policy

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July 18, 2011 No. 28/11-BD CDB TO REVISE ITS HOUSING SECTOR POLICY AND STRATEGY The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is revising its Housing Sector Policy and Strategy in order to improve the effectiveness of its interventions in the housing sector in its borrowing member countries (BMCs). This will be done by conducting an assessment of the housing sector, reviewing and updating the Bank's current Housing Policy and devising a strategy to guide implementation of the new strategy. CDB will spend the equivalent of USD240,400 for this purpose. Under its current Housing Policy, CDB has provided loans to its BMCs to finance policies, projects and programmes aimed at improving housing to meet the needs of their citizens. This policy revision will provide CDB with an opportunity to determine priority areas of intervention as well as appropriate financing modalities; to better support its BMCs in implementation of policies, strategies, projects and programmes geared towards addressing their respective housing challenges; and to better align its Housing Policy to appropriate poverty reduction strategies, social protection frameworks and a number of other strategies.

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