
CDB Funded Library & Multi-purpose Center in Belize Inaugurated

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800 children in the village of Guinea Grass, Orange Walk District, Belize, now have access to a safe community space which has been built with funds from Caribbean Development Bank's (CDB) Belize Social Investment Fund 2 Loan Project. The Guinea Grass Multi-Purpose Center, which was built at a total cost of USD185,235 houses the community library, the village council, the water board and a sewing facility.
The center was inaugurated on March 12, 2014 before government officials, community leaders and a wide-cross section of the community including students, teachers, and parents. Prior to the inauguration, 10 women received skills training in sewing, while approximately 20 persons underwent small business/entrepreneurship training.
The project was implemented by the Social Investment Fund (SIF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports through the Belize National Library Service and Information System (BNLSIS), and the community of Guinea Grass.
Story timeStory time: Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports entertained the students in the library with a story.
The ribbon cutting•(L-R) Chairman of the Village Council, Mr. Jose Hernandez, Hon. Patrick Faber, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports; and Executive Director of the Social Investment Fund, Mr. William Lamb official open the Center.
The audienceStudents, teachers and parents at the Center's inauguration.
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