
Haiti Education Project

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December 9, 2010 No. 53/10-BD ADDITIONAL CDB GRANT FOR HAITI EDUCATION PROJECT A grant equivalent to equivalent to USD10 million to the Government of Haiti has been approved by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to assist with financing for the Education For All Project, in response to the disruption of education services caused by the January 12, 2010, earthquake which devastated Haiti. CDB had approved a grant equivalent to USD10 million in May 2007 for this project, which is intended to provide increased access to primary education by poor children and also to improve the quality and governance of the education sector. The earthquake caused widespread loss of life and destruction of infrastructure. Education participation declined not only as a result of the damage to infrastructure, but also as a consequence of the upheavals faced by families as they attempt to meet their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. In light of this, the Haitian Government is seeking to expand the scope of the project in order to respond to the disruption and dislocation associated with the earthquake by increasing the number of students who benefit from subsidies and from the school feeding programme.

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