
Belize Youth & Comm. Dev. Proj

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July 22, 2010 No. 31/10-BD CDB TO FUND YOUTH AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN BELIZE CITY Residents of the Southside neighbourhood of Belize City are to benefit from a technical assistance grant equivalent to USD280,000 to be provided by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to the Government of Belize. With its inadequate housing, high unemployment, high incidence of family breakdown and other forms of anti-social behaviour, Southside has a reputation of being a ‘problem area'. The objective of the project is to enhance the Government's capacity to develop a comprehensive youth and community development intervention which responds to the challenges facing families, youth and other vulnerable groups in Southside. The financing from CDB will assist with financing preparatory activities for a Youth and Community Transformation Project in Southside. The activities to be undertaken by the consultant will involve a review of the socio-economic conditions in Belize City, and particularly in Southside, and preparation of a comprehensive proposal to address the issues emanating from those conditions. This project will also include an assessment of the initiative to establish a community resource centre in the area, recommendation of options in this regard, and provision of detailed architectural and engineering drawings and the design and cost estimates of all civil works associated with the preferred options.

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