
Belize Education Sector

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July 22, 2010 No. 30/10-BD BELIZE EDUCATION SECTOR TO RECEIVE CDB FINANCING The Government of Belize is to receive a technical assistance grant equivalent to USD260,000 from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). The financing is to help meet the costs of consultancy services for enhancing the policy and strategic framework which is needed to further develop Belize's education sector. This project accords with the Government's strategy for improving human resource development and social protection. The principal beneficiaries will be students currently in the education system, as well as those 3 to sixteen years old who are currently outside the system, and all Belizeans seeking expanded educational opportunities. Activities which are to be covered by the consultancy include conducting a sector diagnosis from which policy guidelines will be developed; creation of a school location plan, including recommendations for new schools, amalgamation of existing institutions, a draft transportation policy and a school mapping model; formulation of an educations sector strategy; and development of a comprehensive education sector investment programme, identifying priority areas for intervention. The consultants will also be expected to present general recommendations for improving access, coverage, quality, relevance and efficiency at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

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