
Belize Road Project

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December 9, 2010 No. 49/10-BD CDB TO PROVIDE LOAN FOR BELIZE ROAD PROJECT The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is to provide the Government of Belize with a loan equivalent to USD24.719 million to assist with financing Construction of a bypass road around the twin town of Santa Elena/San Ignacio. The project will involve the upgrading of 3.2 kilometres of existing road, and Construction of 1 km of new road, as well as a 154-metre span bridge. In addition, CDB is to provide the Government with a grant equivalent to USD249,000 to finance a Road Safety Management Capacity Review, and a Road Assessment Programme. Santa Elena/San Ignacio is located is located in the Cayo District of Belize. All traffic on the Western Highway, which is one of the country's most important highways, currently crosses the Macal River in Santa Elena/San Ignacio on two bridges. One of these bridges is made of timber, and is impassable during periods of heavy rainfall, and the other is over 50 years old, and is often forced to carry traffic above its design capacity. The proposed project will provide a secure all-weather permanent route across the river. The local community will benefit from the removal of traffic through the narrow streets of Santa Elena and the reduction of traffic congestion in the San Ignacio town centre.

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