Project Name
Water Sector Strategic Development Works Project - Dominica
Pre-qualification of Contractors
10:00 AM


The Government of Commonwealth of Dominica (GOCD) has applied for financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF) towards the cost of the Water Sector Strategic Development Works Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds to eligible payments under the contracts of Lot 1 to Lot 6.  Payment by CDB will be made only at the request of GOCD and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement.  The Financing Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the Financing Account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any importation of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.  No party other than GOCD shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Finances.

The Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (DOWASCO) is the Executing Agency for the Project and is responsible for the overall implementation of the Project.  A Project Management Unit has been established to coordinate the various activities within the Project. DOWASCO intends to prequalify contractors for the following:

A summary of the scope of works of the proposed Lots is presented below:

Lot 1 – Construction of District Metered Areas (DMAs)


  • Implementation of DMAs and pressure zones by sectorisation of existing distribution networks.
  • Construction of new main pressure lines feeding each pressure zone (7 km HDPE OD SDR11 between 50 and 225mm), including pressure reducing valves.


Lot 2 – Construction of Water Treatment Plants for Six Sites (Picard, Coulibistrie, Providence, Castle Bruce, Grand Fond, Calibishie)

  • Installation and commissioning of packaged water treatment plants; minimum design flow 250 m³/h (70 l/s).
  • SCADA system installation and commissioning (local SCADA and central monitoring system).
  • Construction of glass-fused-to-steel water tank; minimum capacity 100,000 gals.
  • Installation and commissioning of mini-hydropower plant; minimum power output 300kW.


Lot 3 – Construction of New Water Supply Systems for Roseau Valley and Calibishie

  • Implementation of DMAs and pressure zones by sectorisation of existing distribution networks.
  • Construction of new main pressure lines feeding each pressure zone (4,6 km HDPE OD SDR11 between 50 and 225mm), including pressure reducing valves.
  • Construction of supply line 6 km DN 150 Ductile Iron C40.
  • Rehabilitation of existing irrigation pipeline (3 km HDPE DN 600) (Optional).
  • Water pump station installation and commissioning.
  • Construction of glass-fused-to-steel water tank (capacity 100,000 impg).
  • Construction of river intake structures.


Lot 4 – Construction of New Water Supply Systems for the West Coast


  • Implementation of DMAs and pressure zones by sectorisation of existing distribution networks.
  • Construction of new main pressure lines feeding each pressure zone (12 km HDPE OD SDR11 between 50 and 180mm), including pressure reducing valves.
  • Construction of new supply lines 7 km DI/HDPE DN 300/350.
  • New pumping station Coulibistrie (80 kW) and Grand Savanne (15 kW).
  • Construction of several glass-fused-to-steel water tank (capacities 60,000 - 300,000 impg).
  • Construction of river intake structures.


Lot 5 – Construction of New Water Supply Systems for the East Coast

  • Implementation of DMAs and pressure zones by sectorisation of existing distribution networks.
  • Construction of new main pressure lines feeding each pressure zone (7 km HDPE OD SDR11 between 50 and 110mm), including pressure reducing valves.
  • Construction of new supply lines 11 km DI DN 150 C40.
  • Construction of 1,5 km new section irrigation pipeline HDPE OD 355mm SDR 177.
  • New pumping stations Grand Fond and Castle Bruce.
  • Construction of glass-fused-to-steel water tank (capacity 60,000 - 200,000 impg).
  • Construction of river intake structures.


Lot 6 – Construction of Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Plant in Jimmit


  • Installation and commissioning of a packaged wastewater treatment plant; design flow 320 m3/d.
  • 4 km of PVC sewer pipeline; minimum DN:150 (6”).
  • SCADA installation and commissioning.



Applicants are requested to submit individual pre-qualification documents /PDF files for each Lot for which they are seeking pre-qualification.


It is expected that Invitation for Bids will be issued in December 2021.


Firms, whether applying individually or in the form of a Joint Venture, shall:


  1. be legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in an Eligible Country;


  1. be more than fifty (50) percent beneficially-owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an Eligible Country, or by a body corporate or bodies meeting these requirements, as far as the ownership can be reasonably determined;


  1. shall have no arrangement and undertake not to make any arrangement whereby the majority of the financial benefits of the contract, i.e., more than fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract, will accrue or be paid to sub-contractors or sub-consultants that are not from an Eligible Country; and
  1. in all cases, not be subject to any restrictions under European Council Regulation No. 2580/2001 of December 27, 2001, or the Terrorism (United Nations Measures) 2009 of the UK with a view to combating terrorism.

Prequalification will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the CDB’s Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB, November 2019 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open to all eligible Applicants as defined in the Prequalification Document for Procurement of Water Sector Strategic Development Project.  Bidders are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provisions in Section 5.




Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the Prequalification Documents from the Project Management Unit of DOWASCO at the email address and copied to  A complete set of the prequalification documents in English may be obtained by interested applicants through the following means:

Requesting an electronic copy via the email address as stated above.  The subject of the email must be “Request for Pre-qualification Document for WATER SECTOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR DOMINICA” and the email must contain the name, address and contact information of the firm requesting the document.

Applications for prequalification must be in English and must be submitted by 10:00 hours, local time on Thursday, October 14, 2021.


By electronic submission to the email address indicated in the email address and copied to  The “Subject” field of the email message must read: “Prequalification – Water Sector Strategic Development Project for Dominica”.  On receipt of the Applications, a confirmation email will be sent acknowledging the files received.  The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the bidder’s computer.

The Employer (GOCD) reserves the right to reject late applications for prequalification, which will be returned unopened to the Applicants or to cancel the prequalification process.  The Employer (GOCD) will not be bound to assign any reason for not pre-qualifying any Applicant and will not defray costs incurred by Applicants in the preparation and submission of the pre-qualification documents.