Project Name
Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project – Mile 24.5 – 92 inclusive of the Remate Road Bypass
Prequalify for the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project
10:00 AM


The Government of Belize (GOBZ) has applied for financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), and the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund, towards the cost of the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project – Mile 24.5 – 92 inclusive of the Remate Road Bypass, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds to eligible payments under the contracts for which this invitation is issued.  Payment by CDB, will be made only at the request of GOBZ and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreements.  The Financing Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the Project Accounts for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.  No party other than GOBZ shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.

This Project is being implemented by the Ministry of Works (MOW), Project Execution Unit (PEU).  A Project Coordinator within PEU is responsible for the day-to-day management of project activities.  Engineering Consultants will be retained by MOW to assist with the supervision of the contracts.  PEU intends to pre-qualify contractors for the four lots comprising the major works – Lot 1 (Sections A and D), Lot 2 (Section B), Lot 3 (Section C) and Lot 4 (Section E).  Descriptions of the Works comprising each Section are provided below.  It is expected that Invitations to Bid will be issued in the third quarter of 2020.

Section A – Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway from Km 0+000 (Mile 24.5) to Km 44+600 (Orange Walk Town Bypass South Roundabout). Scope of works includes the execution of road safety features and traffic calming measures, and the installation of additional and new drainage structures for improvement of climate resilience.  Road safety features includes line marking, road studs, traffic signs, bus lay-bys, rumble strips, pedestrian crossings and other traffic calming measures.  Shoulder widening and pavement strengthening utilizing a DBST pavement will also be executed at Carmelita Village,      BSI – M1 Junction and at Crooked Tree junction where a new roundabout will also be constructed.

Section B – Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway from Km 44+600 (Orange Walk Town Bypass South Roundabout) to Km 81+446  (Remate Bypass Junction South) via OWT Bypass.  Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement.  Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips.  Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included.  New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway.

Section C - Remate Road Bypass (18.4Km) Upgrading of the Philip Goldson Highway (Remate Road Bypass) from Km 0+000 (Remate Bypass Junction South)to Km 18+400 (Remate  Bypass Junction North) including the upgrading of the Remate Road Intersections (North & South Junctions) with the Philip Goldson Highway with two new roundabouts.  The existing gravel road will be upgraded to a paved international standard using DBST pavement, as well as the installation of drainage structures and road safety features.

Section D - Upgrading of the Phillip Goldson Highway from Km 99+760 (Remate Bypass Junction North) to Km 104+198 (Santa Elena Border).  Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement.  Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips.  Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included.  New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway.

Section E - Upgrading of the Phillip Goldson Highway from Km 0+000 (Remate Road Bypass South) via Corozal Town to Km 23+590 (Remate Road Bypass Junction North).  Scope of works includes complete shoulder widening, pavement strengthening utilizing DBST pavement.  Traffic calming measures in all villages along this route will be implemented, which includes pedestrian/bicycle paths, pedestrian crossings and rumble strips.  Other road safety features such as Line Markings, Road Studs and Traffic Signs will also be included.  New Drainage Structures for the highway as well as side roads and driveways are also included to improve the climate resilience of the highway.


Firms whether applying individually or in the form of a Joint Venture, shall:

  1. be legally incorporated or otherwise organised in, and have their principal place of business in, an Eligible Country;
  2. be more than fifty (50) percent beneficially-owned by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an Eligible Country, or by a body corporate or bodies meeting these requirements, as far as the ownership can be reasonably determined; and
  3. shall have no arrangement and undertake not to make any arrangement whereby the majority of the financial benefits of the contract, i.e. more than fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract, will accrue or be paid to sub-contractors, sub-suppliers or sub-consultants that are not from an Eligible Country.

Eligible Countries are member countries of CDB.

Applicants may submit prequalification documents for Lot 1, Lot 2, Lot 3, Lot 4, a combination of Lots or all and should clearly indicate in their submissions the individual contract(s) in which they are interested.  GOBZ shall prequalify each applicant for one or the selected number of contracts for which the Applicant has expressed interest and for which the applicant meets the appropriate Aggregate Requirements.  The requirements for pre-qualification will include:


Description of criteria

Lot 1

Lot 2

Lot 3

Lot 4


an average annual turnover of at least the United States Dollars (US$) equivalent shown (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last five (5) years;

4.0million (mn)





demonstrable capacity to have a cash flow of at least the US$ equivalent shown (including access to credit); and






experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least two assignments of a similar nature and complexity to the proposed project activity within the last ten years with at least the US$ equivalent value shown (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete).  The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described in Section VII, Scope of Works, which includes experience in the earthworks operations particularly in greenfield alignments, construction of embankments on soft soils, reinforced concrete works, box culverts, DBST Pavement and the construction of roundabouts & short-span bridges > 5m where required.










Interested eligible applicants may obtain further information from, and inspect the Prequalification Documents at, the PEU at the first address below, Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  A complete hardcopy set of the prequalification documents in English may be obtained by interested applicants by writing or email to the first address below.  The request must clearly state “Request for Pre-qualification Documents for Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” and indicating the applicant’s interest in any or all of the sections. The hardcopy documents are available for a non-refundable fee of US$100.00.  Potential applicants who request that hardcopy documents be forwarded to them are required to submit an account number from a local courier agent, which accepts freight collect charges.  MOW will promptly dispatch the documents but under no circumstances will the Ministry be responsible for late delivery or loss of the documents so transmitted.  Alternately, documents may be forwarded electronically, in pdf format, at no cost.

Prequalification submissions must be in English and must be submitted by 10:00 hours, local time on Tuesday 28 July 2020.

There are two options for submitting prequalification information.  These are:

  1. By simultaneous electronic submission, in pdf format, to the email addresses indicated in the first and second addresses below.  The “Subject” field of the email message must read “Application to Prequalify for the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” followed by a list of the relevant Lots.  The submission will be deemed to have been received at the time that it is received by PEU.  The burden of proving receipt of the email will be on the applicant and will not be met solely by a read receipt or sent items report generated by the bidder’s computer.; or
  2. By submission of one original and three hard copies, by hand or by registered mail, in a sealed envelope to the first address below, with simultaneous electronic submission as at (a) above to the second address below.  The sealed envelope containing each submission must include the name and address of the applicant and be clearly marked “Application to Prequalify for the Seventh Road (Philip Goldson Highway Upgrading) Project” followed by a list of the relevant Lots.

GOBZ reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the prequalification process.  GOBZ will not be bound to assign any reason for not pre-qualifying any applicant and will not defray costs incurred by applicants in the preparation and submission of the pre-qualification documents.

Applicants will be advised in due course of the results of their application. Only firms and joint ventures pre-qualified under this procedure will be invited to bid.

Address 1
Attention: Mr. Evondale Moody
Project Execution Unit

Ministry of Works

Power Lane


Cayo District

Belize, C.A.

Address 2
Procurement Officer

Caribbean Development Bank

P.O. Box 408

Wildey St. Michael

