Project Name Sector Country Type Deadline
Feasibility Study of Biogas from Municipal Sewage Biofuel-fired power plants Belize Consultancy
Bureau of Standards Jamaica dba National Certification Body of Jamaica Project to Facilitate Implementation of ISO/IEC 17065:2012 at the National Certification Body of Jamaica and to Train Auditors in a Selected Food Safety Management System Certification Industrial crops/export crops Jamaica Consultancy
Natural Disaster Management - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Hurricane Irma) Loan Road Transport Antigua and Barbuda Works
Natural Disaster Management - Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (Hurricane Irma) Loan Road Transport Antigua and Barbuda Works
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Development Project Advanced technical and managerial training Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Goods
Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Reconstruction Project Construction Saint Lucia Consultancy
Millennium Highway and West Coast Road Reconstruction Project Construction Saint Lucia Consultancy
Sixth Road (Coastal Highway Upgrading) Project Construction Belize Consultancy
Road Safety Capacity Building in selected case study Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) Transportation CDB Consultancy
CDB/Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)/Sustainable Energy Facility Energy generation, distribution and efficiency CDB Consultancy