Project Name Sector Country Type Deadline
School Improvement Project Education Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Consultancy
Natural Disaster Management- Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (December 2013 Trough Event): Orange Hill Highway Rehabilitation Disaster Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works
MSME Loan-Grant Facility Project Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development Saint Lucia Consultancy
MSME Loan-Grant Facility Project Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development Saint Lucia Consultancy
Natural Disaster Management- Rehabilitation and Reconstruction (December 2013 Trough Event): Windblow Resilience Improvements Disaster Rehabilitation Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works
COVID-19 Health Response Project - Supply Delivery and Installation of Laboratory Equipment COVID-19 Antigua and Barbuda Works
Road Management and Rural Road Improvement Programme in Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (Dandrade Road Rehabilitation Works) Road Transport Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works
Road Management and Rural Road Improvement Programme in Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (Palmiste Road Rehabilitation Works) Road Transport Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Works
COVID-19 Health Response Project - Incinerator Health Antigua and Barbuda Works
MSME Loan-Grant Facility Project Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) development Saint Lucia Consultancy