The Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries to the Economy of Trinidad and Tobago
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This study updates the estimates of the contribution of copyright industries to the economy of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T), published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as James (2012). In addition to updated data on the contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), employment, and trade, the study will provide estimates of the contribution of copyright to productivity and development as measured by GDP per capita. Some key policy implications of the updated estimates are also provided.

Table of contents


Copyright Law and Measurement of T&T Copyright-based Industries 

Background on T&T’s Economy

Updated Profile of the Copyright Industries

  • Mas Production 
  • Music Production  
  • Machel Montano  
  • Collective Management

Measurement Methods

Contribution of Copyright to T&T’s Economy

Contribution of Copyright to Productivity and Development

Summary and Policy Implications
