Guidance Note: Assessment of Abnormally Low Bids for Works Contracts
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This Guidance Note (GN) is consistent with the provisions in the Procurement Policy of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for Projects Financed by CDB (November 2019), Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January 2021), the GN for Bid Evaluation for Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services and CDB’s standard bidding documents (SBDs) for Works[1]/. The relevant provisions in the aforementioned Procedures and SBDs permit clients[2]/ to reject Abnormally Low Bids (“ALBs”) following a comprehensive clarification and examination process.  CDB recognises that the grounds upon which an ALB may be rejected can be highly contentious and controversial.  As such, any decision to reject a Bid on this basis must be supported by robust documentary evidence and be able to withstand scrutiny.  To assist clients in this regard, CDB has produced this GN with the intention of clarifying the process that CDB clients shall follow during the Bid evaluation process prior to making a decision as to whether an ALB shall be accepted or rejected.  This GN only applies to the procurement of Works. 


[1]/ All these documents can be found at:

[2]/ Whom may also be referred to as “the Employer” in this Guidance Note and other CDB procurement documents.