An environmental screening framework for assessing BNTF sub-projects was developed for BNTF 5. This has been reviewed and upgraded to be applied for 10 projects. This framework consists of a series of practical environmental impact assessment (EIA) tools, that integrate a climate risk perspective, to be used throughout the BNTF project cycle to ensure that environmental (including natural hazard vulnerability and climate change (CC), social/gender, etc.) considerations are integrated into all stages of project design and decision-making. The tools developed are intended to provide guidance to the Implementing Agency (IA) staff and Consultants in key phases of the BNTF project cycle including screening, monitoring, supervision and reporting.
This Guidance Manual outlines how these EIA tools are to be used throughout the BNTF project cycle to ensure that sub-projects have minimal negative impacts on the environment and the local community. It explains how the tools fit within the various stages of the BNTF project cycle.