Country Gender Assessment - St. Vincent and the Grenadines 2015
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The National Economic and Social Development Plan 2013-2025 (NESDP), the flagship vision and planning document of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), is designed, in the words of Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Ralph Gonsalves “to facilitate and guide the optimal improvement of the quality of life of all Vincentians.” The National Development Plan affirms that, “If women are left out of development, half the world is left out,” and forthrightly points to the fact that women in SVG, remain, vis a vis men, “amongst the most vulnerable and economically powerless.” 1 

This situation of ‘vulnerability and powerlessness’ obtains in spite of practical efforts made over the years by the Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (GoSVG) to give life and meaning to the SVG Constitution and to regional and international treaty obligations that affirm women’s right to live without discrimination. 

Table of contents


List of Tables

List of Figures

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Part I
