Country Gender Assessment - Barbados 2016
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'Gender’ refers to characteristics differentiating femininity and masculinity, which are social constructs even if they refer in part to differing biological characteristics. Differences between women/girls and men/boys observed in economic, social and political life are the result of social relations that ascribe different roles, rights, responsibilities and obligations to females and males. Importantly, the real and/or perceived differences between females and males are subject to processes of social valuing, resulting in different economic and other rewards. For example, gender affects the enjoyment by girls/women and boys/men of endowments such as education and health and of economic opportunities such as ownership of capital and employment. 

As part of the mission of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to promote economic growth and systematic reduction of poverty through social and economic development, a Gender Equality Policy and Operational Strategy (GEPOS) was developed in 2008. Through a technical assistance programme of support to its Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs), this Barbados Country Gender Assessment (CGA) was developed in order to inform the implementation of gender equality strategies of the CDB and its partners in the country. It was conducted through research and analysis of social and economic data as well as consultations and interviews with 109 stakeholders in 59 organisations in Barbados. 

Table of contents


List of Tables

List of Figures

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV
