In 2019, the Livelihood Based Assessment and Contingency Planning approach was applied in St. Vincent and the Grenadines to provide pre-disaster livelihood information for eleven communities involved in the Volcano Ready Communities in the St. Vincent and the Grenadines (VRC in SVG) project.
Overland is located 13° 18’50”N 061° 07’45” W in the parish of Charlotte, the largest parish in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Both communities are located north of the island. They are mainly farming communities with strong cultural heritage and traditions.
According to the 2012 Housing and Population Census, the community of Overland had a total of four hundred and forty-eight (448) households and a population of fourteen hundred and forty (1440) persons. The surrounding communities which include Magum had a total of one hundred and six (106) households, and a population of three hundred and twenty-six (326). Data related to the wider Georgetown Census Division were used to indicate the social realities of the communities.
Chapter 3 provides an overview of the socio-demographic profile of Overland and Magum as well as its spatial and locational situation. Chapter 4 provides an overview of its governance structure. Chapter 5 presents an economic overview of the community.
Chapter 6 is a profile of the main hazards that impact the community most directly while Chapter 7 outlines the impact of the April 2021 volcanic eruption.
In Chapter 8, the outcome of the Livelihood Baseline Assessment is detailed and includes a profile of community livelihoods and resources. The focus is primarily on agricultural livelihoods. Chapter 9 looks at the type of coping strategies that are employed to deal with hazard impacts on agricultural livelihoods.
Chapter 10 outlines the key response typologies and contingency measures that should be put in place in the event of any disaster.
The Annexes present the damage and loss cost estimates for the agricultural assets, should a disaster occur, as well as the sources of information that were consulted.