Development Effectiveness Review 2021

The Development Effectiveness Review (DER) is a comprehensive report on results achieved through interventions financed by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB/the Bank) in its 19 Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs). The DER is organised around a four-level structure, consistent with the Bank’s Corporate Results Monitoring Framework (RMF). It assesses the development trends, progress, and challenges across CDB’s BMCs, particularly in areas connected to the Bank’s strategic objectives, and corporate and cross-cutting priorities outlined in its five-year Strategic Plan (Level 1). The Review takes stock of results (outputs and immediate outcomes) that BMCs achieved with CDB’s support and identifies areas in which the Bank can strengthen performance to meet the targets established for the strategy period (Level 2). Furthermore, the document assesses progress on strengthening CDB’s operations including its strategies, policies, business processes, quality assurance, and internal systems, to better delivery on its mandate and enhance the development outcomes of its interventions in BMCs (Levels 3 and 4).

The 2021 edition of the DER represents a snapshot of progress made in key priority areas through indicators and targets as set out in the RMF of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. This is the second and final review of the Plan/RMF as the Bank shifted to a revised roadmap, Strategic Plan Update 2022-2024 (SPU) and RMF, on January 1, 2022. As a result, future reviews will focus on results supported by the Bank in relation to expanded priorities and amended/new targets outlined in the updated Plan and Framework.

Table of contents

Report Highlights

Performance Scorecard


Level 1: Caribbean Progress Towards Development Goals and Outcomes

Level 2: CDB's Contribution to SDGs, Country, and Regional Development Outcomes

Level 3: How Well CDB Manages Its Operations

Level 4: How Efficient CDB is as an Organisation

The Way Forward
