The Country Strategy Paper (CSP) outlines the assistance strategy of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for Haiti over the period 2013-16. CDB supports the country’s plan to turn the disaster of January 10, 2010 into an opportunity to transform the country into an emerging economy by the year 2030. However, without significant donor assistance it will take Haiti a lot longer to address deep-seated poverty and human suffering. It is proposed that CDB continue to work with partners to help Haiti address these challenges.
During the recently concluded negotiations on the eighth Special Development Fund (SDF) cycle (SDF 8), Contributors agreed to a further Set-aside of forty-six million United States dollars to support CDB’s intervention in Haiti through grants. Contributors and the Bank agreed on a programme that would be focused on two sectors, education and training and community-driven development and agriculture, with more limited interventions to support capacity building and the strengthening of the country’s resilience to future natural hazards. Interventions are intended to have a limited number of targeted objectives. The proposed new intervention strategy for Haiti reflects grant-financed projects aimed at achieving outcomes associated with these broad areas.
Country Data
Executive Summary
Summary Matrix of Results Framework
- Development Context: Key Issues and Development Challenges
- Government's Development Strategy
- Caribbean Development Bank's Assistance Strategy: 2013-2016
- Risks and Monitoring and Evaluation