Notification of Approval by the President of a Variation of Terms and Conditions: Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan – Hurricane Irma –British Virgin Islands

In August and September of 2017, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) suffered significant infrastructural damage as a result of the cumulative effects of floods and hurricanes. To assist in financing recovery, the Board of Directors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) at its Two Hundred and Seventy-Ninth Meeting held on December 14, 2017, considered Paper BD169/17 entitled “Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan Hurricane Irma British Virgin Islands” (the Original Paper). The Original Paper documented the proposal for a Loan to the Government of the British Virgin Islands (GOBVI). Subsequently, the loan was approved for a total of sixty-five million, two hundred and ninety-one thousand United States dollars (USD65,291,000) towards the recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of social and economic infrastructure (the Project) and as a part of the wider Recovery to Development Plan (RDP) of GOBVI.