Technical Assistance – Implementation of Multi-Hazard Impact-Based Forecasting and Early Warning System for the Belize River Watershed - Belize
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By correspondence dated January 18, 2023, the Government of Belize (GOBZ) applied to the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for a technical assistance (TA) grant to support improving weather and climate data collection, modelling and analysis, conducting climate and disaster risk assessment, and providing training for public officers and the public in the use and application of the tools that will be developed to produce impact-based forecasting and early warnings for impending natural hazards.

The estimated cost of the TA project is one million (mn), two hundred and sixty-four thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six United States dollars (USD1,264,896), of which one million, two hundred and twenty-five thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six United States dollars USD1,225,896 is provided from CDB’s Special Funds Resources (SFR) allocated from the Caribbean Action for Resilience Enhancement (CARE) Programme and thirty-nine thousand United States dollars (USD39,000) from counterpart contribution.