The overall objective of this TA is enhanced capacity of the Faculty of Sport for strategic and business development planning for the further development of the Academies of Sport. A Results Monitoring Framework, is presented at Appendix 6.
This project will enhance the capacity of UWI to further develop an integrated Faculty of Sport and implement the Comprehensive Sports for Development Initiative. This will support the Faculty of Sport’s thrust to further promote and represent UWI as a regional university (One UWI) with four fully integrated Academies of Sport spread across the region. The project will enhance capacity of the Faculty of Sport for strategic and business development planning to capitalise on the burgeoning global sports industry. The strategic and development planning will enable evidence based decision making for the further organisation of the Faculty of Sport and guide the investment portfolio in the medium term. The TA will also support the survey of the physical infrastructure and equipment and facilitate alignment among the Academies of Sport and with BMCs, private sector, civil society and international partners, including regional and global sports associations.
Issues and Constraints
Justification and Benefits
Cost and Financing
Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Gender and Performance