ICA Annual Report 2016
Annual Report 2016 Cover
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This inaugural Annual Report marks a major milestone in the evolution of the 46 year old internal governance architecture at the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).


Table of contents

Executive Summary

  1. Statement From Head Of The Office Of Integrity, Compliance And Accountability
  2. Overview
  3. Status of all Activities, Policies and Procedures
  4. Pillar I: Whistleblowing, Ethics and Integrity
  5. Pillar II: Compliance
  6. Pillar III: Accountability
  7. Pillar IV: Collaboration
  8. Training and Consultations
  9. CDB’s anti-corruption week 2016
  10. Challenges
  11. Outlook for 2017
  12. Reporting fraud, corruption and ethics violations

List of Figures

  1. Figure 1 - Strategic Framework for ICA
  2. Figure 2 - ICA’s Strategic Pillars
  3. Figure 3 - Tone from the top
  4. Figure 4 - The three lines of defence to ICA related risks
  5. Figure 5 - ICA’s risk radar 2016
  6. Figure 6 - Status of all 105 key activities, policies and procedures
  7. Figure 7 - General intake statistics
  8. Figure 8 - Sources of intake contacts during 2016
  9. Figure 9 - Number and form of intake contacts during 2016
  10. Figure 10 - Staff attendance at ICA consultations and training in 2016
  11. Figure 11 - Sample of response from staff survey on ICA training