Community Disaster Risk Reduction Fund Annual Report 2018-2019

During April 1 2018 - March 31, 2019, CDRRF strengthened its activities on the ground through increased implementation at the sub-project level.  This Annual Report highlights the results and progress made over the year, building on the experiences gained in previous years.  Mention is also made of the cumulative impact of CDRRF up to March 31, 2019.

The report gives details of major activities undertaken during the year, including increased public education efforts, community research through the Community Engagement Surveys (CES), Livelihood Baseline Assessments (LBA) and Rapid Community Climate Vulnerability Assessments (RCCVA). The following themes highlight key results over the year:
(a)    Volcano Awareness.
(b)    Community Capacity Development.
(c)    Early Warning Systems (EWS) for Reduced Risk to Natural Hazards.
(d)    Increasing Resilience to CC Impacts and Natural Hazards.
(e)    Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to CC.
(f)    Integrated Land Management and DRR.
(g)    Resource Management.
(h)    Impact Stories.