The Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB) interventions in Haiti have been through grant financing under its Special Development Fund (SDF). In that regard, funding for Haiti was separately earmarked within the replenishment for the SDF (Unified) Sixth Cycle (SDF 6). Contributors and CDB agreed on a programme that would be focused on two sectors, education and training and community˗driven development (CDD) and agriculture, with more limited interventions to support capacity building and the strengthening of the country’s resilience to future natural hazards. Much of the resources allocated under SDF 8 has already been committed. Given the great need and the success of CDB’s interventions in Haiti since it became a member of the Bank in January 2007, CDB desires to continue to pay particular attention to Haiti and to ring-fence resources under SDF 9 for that purpose. This Paper is to inform the contributors’ deliberation on CDB’s future engagement in Haiti. The Paper will also be the basis for dialogue with Haiti to craft CDB’s strategy for the country for the new strategy period 2017 to 2020 to be financed from resources under SDF 9.