This Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESIA/ESMP) Addendum have been prepared to evaluate the potential impacts associated with the Plugging and Abandonment (P&A) of the exploration well N-4 located in Hamilton State, Nevis Island. This activity is part of a larger geothermal Project sponsored by Nevis Electricity Company Limited (NEVLEC), a state-owned company, subsidiary of the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) and the sole provider of electricity on the island of Nevis. The Geothermal Project is discussed in an ESIA/ESMP, completed in October 2022, which includes among other things, the drilling of three production wells and two injection wells. The impacts of the drilling of the wells as well as the proposed mitigation measures are not discussed in this addendum. This addendum outlines mitigation and management measures in ensuring compliance with local and international environmental standards, while safeguarding public health and safety. The existing ESIA/ESMP (2022) capture a comprehensive view of the overall Project, and this addendum is complementary. Both documents aim to analyze risks and propose mitigation measures which align with local standards and the requirements of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for projects of this nature.
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework
4. Project Description
5. Description of the Existing Environment
6. Stakeholder Consultation and Disclosure
7. Impact Assessment
8. Environmental and Social Management Plans
9. List of Preparers