Dominica Geothermal Development- Volume 3- Social Impact Assessment
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The ESIA Volume 3: Social Impact Assessment (SIA) assesses how people and communities may be affected as a result of the Project in terms of the way they live, work and interact. The broad objectives of this SIA are to ensure that key potential socio-economic and community impacts have been identified, assessed, mitigated and managed in a constructive manner. Social, economic and biophysical impacts are interrelated. The human environment will be the receptor of impacts such as noise, dust, waste and traffic. These impacts are identified and taken into account in this SIA, but are addressed in detail in the ESIA Volume 2: Environmental Impact Assessment and other Technical Reports located in ESIA Volume 5: Technical Appendices.


Table of contents


List of Abbreviations

Important note about your report 


1. Introduction

 2. Legal and Regulatory Framework

3. Impact Assessment Methodology 

4. Social and Economic Baseline

5. Stakeholder Engagement 

6. Social Impact Assessment 

7. Cultural Heritage

8. Mitigation, Enhancement Measures and Residual Impacts

9. Residual Impacts 

10. References