Jamaica CSPE (2014-2 - 2016 and 2017-2021)
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This independent evaluation report covers two Jamaica Country Strategy and Programme (CSP) periods (2014-2 - 2016 and 2017-2021), including projects which fall under these CSPs and are completed or still being implemented.

This evaluation examines the extent to which the Bank’s programme in Jamaica has achieved its intended outcomes and targets. It is intended to inform the Bank’s new Country Engagement Strategy (CES) which is expected to be finalised in 2023. The evaluation also aims to offer lessons and recommendations that may be used to course-correct CSP interventions that are still under implementation; improve development effectiveness going forward; and to provide options for the Bank’s consideration in its future engagement with Jamaica. It also serves to complement and add depth to the 2017-21 Strategy Completion Report, which was completed shortly before the evaluation started.