Belize– Road Safety Project (2022)
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In May 2012, CDB approved a loan in the amount of seven million two hundred and forty-eight thousand United States dollars (USD7.248 mn) to the Government of Belize (GOBZ) to improve road safety. In October 2014, CDB approved an Additional Loan in the amount of USD4.584 mn to revise the project scope following a GOBZ request. The Additional Loan brought the total contribution of CDB to USD11.832 mn, with counterpart contribution of USD2.510 mn.


The project's overall objective was to reduce deaths and serious injuries associated with Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) on the Demonstration Corridor. The intended results of the project were:

(a) Safety of road infrastructure along the Demonstration Corridor improved;

(b) Road user awareness of safety improved;

(c) Driver behaviour and adherence to traffic laws improved;

(d) Post-crash care improved; and

(e) Capacity to manage road safety improved