This Guidance Note (GN) is written in accordance with the Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB’s) Procurement Policy for Projects Financed by CDB (November 2019) and the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January 2021), herein referred to as “the Policy” and “the Procedures” respectively and together as “the Procurement Framework.”
This GN provides guidance on the evaluation of Expressions of Interest (EOI) and Proposals for Consulting Services procured in accordance with the above-mentioned Policy and Procedures. It does not address the evaluation of Bids for Goods, Works and Non-consulting Services[1].
The GN complements but does not supersede CDB’s prevailing templates for Requests for Expressions of Interest (REOI), Request for Proposals (RFP) and evaluation templates for Consulting Services, which, are expected to be used by all CDB’s Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs). Use of this GN is not mandatory. Rather, it is intended to offer guidance to BMCs on the steps to follow when evaluating EOIs and Proposals and on dealing with commonly encountered issues that arise.
As such, the guidance and examples cited in this GN do not carry the force of precedent and should not, therefore, be treated as binding rules.
[1]/ The evaluation of Bids for Goods, Works and Non-consulting services is covered by other Guidance Notes which can be found on CDB website at: