Project Name
Gender Baseline and Knowledge, Attitude and Perception/Behaviour (KAP/B) Study for Sustainable Energy Development in the Caribbean
Gender Baseline Study
04:30 PM


The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) proposes to utilise resources from the Canadian Support to the Energy Sector in the Caribbean Fund (CSES-C) and the Sustainable Energy for the Eastern Caribbean  (SEEC) Programme to enhance CDB’s capacity in providing support to its Borrowing Member Countries (BMCs) in pursuit of their Gender and Sustainable Energy (SE) development.  CDB intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under a contract for which this invitation is issued.

CDB, the Executing Agency, through its Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Unit and in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE), now wishes to procure consultancy services for a Gender Baseline and Knowledge, Attitude and Perception/Behaviour (KAP/B) Study for SE development in the Caribbean.

The objective of this Consultancy is to generate benchmark data and information which will inform the development and implementation of relevant, impactful, and inclusive policy and energy-related projects, programmes, and initiatives, including demand-side management initiatives in the Caribbean region. The Consultant will be required to work in collaboration with CCREEE and CDB personnel to deliver the expected outputs. This assignment will include:

Gender Baseline Study. Collection and analysis of gender-related data within the Caribbean region to support gender-responsive and transformative energy transition.

The following areas of focus will be featured in the study:

  1. Status of gender participation in the Caribbean energy sector to include decision-makers, business owners, employers, entrepreneurs, employees.
  1. Existing policies within various spheres within the sector that impact equal access to, for example, affordable energy services, finance for sustainable energy projects, information related to energy, economic opportunities, and participation in decision-making.
  1. Existing national, regional, and international commitments, policies, programmes, projects, strategies, or any other targeted actions by member states or regional organizations that support gender mainstreaming in the energy sector, and an assessment of their implementation status and effectiveness.
  1. Status of gender mainstreaming and social inclusion in the development process of policy instruments, programmes, projects, and strategies within the energy sector.
  1. Status of differential access to, use, and effects of energy in relation to vulnerable populations such as women, youth, elderly, people with disabilities, indigenous populations etc.
  1. Major gaps impacting the facilitation of gender mainstreaming within the Region.
  1. Gender mainstreaming training and capacity-building requirements of decision-makers, energy experts and practitioners, at the national and regional levels.

KAP/B Study. Determination of related knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviours toward energy use with the Caribbean region.

The following areas of focus will be featured in the study:

  1. Analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the local population with respect to sustainable energy concepts and usage.
  1. Identification of gaps and barriers which hinder the uptake of sustainable energy resources within local populations.
  1. Provision of data and analysis for use by programme, project, and policy developers such that the Caribbean countries implement evidence-based initiatives.

The duration of the assignment is expected to be for a period of nine (9) to twelve (12) months.


CDB now invites interested eligible consulting firms to submit Expressions of Interest for the provision of these consultancy services.

Consultants shall be eligible to participate if they fulfil:

(a)    The following eligibility requirements:

  1. in the case of a body corporate, it is legally incorporated or otherwise organised in an eligible country, has its principal place of business in an eligible country and is more than 50 per cent beneficially owned by citizen(s) and/or bona fide resident(s) of eligible country(ies) or by a body(ies) corporate meeting these requirements;
  2. in the case of unincorporated firms, the persons are citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and
  3. in all cases, the consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country.

(b)     The following integrity requirement:

  1. is not subject to sanctions under the United Nations (UN) Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the UN;
  2. has not engaged in Prohibited Practices, as detailed in  Paragraph 2.02 (a) of the Procedures for Dealing with Fraud and Corruption in CDB-Financed Projects (October 2014 or as updated from time to time)[1].
  3. is not suspended or debarred by CDB for engaging in the Prohibited Practices referenced in (2) (b) above;
  4. is not publicly debarred by a Multilateral Development Bank subject to the Agreement on Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions[2] in their own right, or under abovementioned agreement; and
  5. is not subject to a conflict of interest that would undermine the Consultant's ability to provide professional, objective, and impartial advice. 

CDB requires that all parties involved in the procurement process avoid and declare promptly and proactively in writing to CDB any potential, apparent or actual conflicts of interest.  Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing, the Consultant shall not be hired under the following circumstances: conflict between consulting activities and procurement of goods, works or non-consulting services, conflict among consulting assignments, and/or close relationships with CDB staff or other stakeholders involved in or expected to be involved in the procurement or subsequent contract management.

Eligible countries are member countries of CDB. Consultants are advised to review the detailed eligibility criteria detailed in Section 4 and conflict of interest provisions in Section 5 of the Procurement Procedures for Projects Financed by CDB (January, 2021), as published on CDB’s website.






In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and experience, and local and regional experience on similar assignments.  Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.

All information must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the address below between 0830- and 1630-hours (Barbados time) Monday to Friday.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted via e-mail to the e-mail address below no later than 1630 hours (Barbados time) on Monday, December 13, 2021.  Submissions shall include a cover page displaying the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Gender Baseline and Knowledge, Attitude, Perception and Behaviour Study for Sustainable Energy Development in the Caribbean.”

The Selection Method shall be Quality and Cost Based Selection. Following the assessment of submissions, a short-list of not less than three and not more than six applicants will be provided with full terms of reference and invited to submit technical and financial proposals to undertake the assignment. CDB reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety.  It will not be bound to assign any reason for not short-listing any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.

Consultants are advised to view CDB’s General Privacy Notice for information on how CDB manages and protects personal data.


Address 1


Christopher Straughn

Sustainable Energy Specialist

Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency Unit 

Caribbean Development Bank







(246) 539-1672