The Government of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana (GOGY) has received grant funding from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) towards the cost of financing the Basic Needs Trust Fund Ninth Cycle (BNTF 9) Guyana Country Project. The Grant Agreement was signed on June 20, 2017. The BNTF Implementing Agency (IA), which is an agency of the Ministry of Finance, has been responsible for the execution of project grants. The effective implementation period of the Grant was from June 20, 2017, to December 31, 2020; however, it was extended until December 31, 2021.
Portfolios of sub-projects are approved by the BNTF Oversight Entity (OE) and the IA manages project implementation and the day-to-day activities of each sub-project . Sub-projects are generally implemented under tripartite agreements between the beneficiary community-based organisation (CBO)/non-governmental organisation (NGO)/civil society entity, the responsible ministry/local democratic organ/public agency and IA.
GOGY now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified Bidders for the Procurement of Equipment for Agro Processing and Packaging Facility at National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), in Lots 1, 2 and 3 as follows. Bidders may Bid for one or more lots, as further defined in the bidding document. Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one contract will be allowed to do so, provided those discounts are included in the Letter of Bid.
- Lot 1 – Root Tuber Flours Processing Line.
- Lot 2 – Passion Fruit and Pepper Pulp Continuous Production Line (Bulk Processing).
- Lot 3 – Tea Line.
Bid documents are available from Address 1 below. Written requests can be made by email marked: “Request for Bid Documents for the Procurement of Equipment for Agro Processing and Packaging Facility at NAREI.” The documents will be promptly dispatched, but under no circumstance will GOGY be held responsible for late delivery, loss or damage to the documents.
Bids must be submitted either in:
- Hard copy in the form of a sealed envelope, with the name and address of the bidder, and be clearly marked “Tender for the Procurement of Equipment for Agro Processing and Packaging Facility at NAREI” to the postal address in Address 2 below; or,
- Electronically to the email address in address 2 below.
The deadline for Bid submission is:
Date: Monday October 11, 2021
Time: 10:00 am Atlantic Standard Time (AST) (GYT – Guyana Time)
Each bid must be accompanied by Bid-Securing Declaration. Late bids will be rejected.
GOGY reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the process and reject all bids, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected prospective bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected prospective bidder(s) of the grounds for GOGY’s action. GOGY will not defray any costs incurred by any bidder in the preparation of bids.
1. Address to Obtain or Request Clarifications Related to Bidding Documents
Attention: The Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund Implementing Agency (BNTF IA) Guyana, Ministry of Finance
Street Address: 49 Main and Urquhart Streets, North Cummingsburg
City: Georgetown
Country: Guyana, South America
2. Address for Bid Submission and Bid Opening
Attention: The Project Manager, Basic Needs Trust Fund Implementing Agency (BNTF IA) Guyana
Street Address: 49 Main and Urquhart Streets, North Cummingsburg
City: Georgetown
Country: Guyana