Training of Trainers Workshop for the Integration of Climate Resilience in the Water Sector
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CDB is currently implementing the ACP-EU-CDB NDRM Project: Planning for the Integration of Climate Resilience in the Water Sector in BMCs.  A consultant is currently engaged in executing Phase 1 of this project. The expected outcome of Phase 1 of the technical assistance (TA) project (the Project) is the development of a package of guidelines and technical notes or toolbox to be utilised in BMCs to mainstream climate resilience in the water sector.  The Project is being executed through a consultancy to: (a) complete sector-wide Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments; (b) assess relevant, policies, plans, strategies, legal and regulatory frameworks and proposals to build capacity to implement resilience measures; (c) identify sector investment needs for climate resilience; (d) develop an index to measure the level of resilience of the water sector to potential impacts of climate change and natural hazards; and (e) develop a regional training and capacity building programme for BMCs in an effort to present the tools developed and promote their use. 

Table of contents

Project Background


Expected Outcome

Project Justification and Benefits

Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Environmental Impact

Execution - Responsibilities and Inputs

Loan Committee Recommendations
