The Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica (GOCD) has applied for financing from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) – United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF) towards the cost of the Road and Bridges Rehabilitation Loubiere to Bagatelle Road – Post Tropical Storm Erika Project and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under this contract for Phase 1 – Loubiere to Grand Bay. Payment by CDB will be made only at the request of GOCD and upon approval by CDB, and will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Financing Agreement. The Financing Agreement prohibits a withdrawal from the financing account for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import, to the knowledge of CDB, is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations. No party other than GOCD shall derive any rights from the Financing Agreement or have any claim to the proceeds of the Financing.
The Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD) is the executing agency for the Project and is responsible for the overall implementation of the project in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Digital Economy. The Capitals Projects Unit (CPU) of CREAD will coordinate the various activities within the Project. The CPU intends to prequalify contractors for upgrading approximately 11km of asphaltic concrete Road, the Construction of Several Bridges, Culverts and Associated Works, extending from Loubiere to Grand Bay Junction. These works will improve the connectivity along and between these communities and further afield.
The key elements of the Scope of Works are as follows:
1. Road Rehabilitation of approximately 11km road section:
- Road Pavement
- Drainage
- Slope Stability
- Retaining Walls
- Improved Road Alignment, width, and Safety
2. Construction of Road Structures - Bridges and Culverts:
- Construction (Replacement) of Four (4) Existing Bridges
- Construction of One (1) New Bridge
- Removal and Construction of Several Culverts
Based on a review of the overall geometry of the channels and surrounding land at each of the bridge locations, the designs produced have been based on the three (3) span lengths as listed below:
- 15m Single Span Structure;
- 22m Single Span Structure; and (c) 40m Single Span Structure.
It is expected that invitations for bids will be issued in Quarter Four 2021.
Firms whether applying individually or in the form of a Joint Venture, shall:
- be legally incorporated or otherwise organised and have their principal place of business in an Eligible Country;
- be more than fifty (50) percent beneficially owned, by a citizen or citizens and/or a bona fide resident or residents of an Eligible Country, or by a body corporate or bodies meeting these requirements, as far as the ownership can be reasonably determined;
- shall have no arrangement and undertake not to make any arrangement whereby the majority of the financial benefits of the contract, i.e., more than fifty (50) percent of the value of the contract, will accrue or be paid to sub-contractors or sub-consultants that are not from an Eligible Country; and
- in all cases, not be subject to any restrictions under European Council Regulation No 2580/2001 of 27 December 2001 or the Terrorism (United Nations Measures) 2009 of the UK with a view to combating terrorism.
Eligible countries are member countries of CDB.
The requirements for pre-qualification will include:
- an average annual turnover (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last 5 years of United States dollars (USD) 22.5 million;
- demonstrable cash flow (including access to credit) of USD 3.0 million equivalent; and
- experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least 2 assignments of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed project activity within the last 5 years, each of a value of at least USD 10 million (to comply with this requirement, works quoted should be at least 80 percent complete). Bottom of Form.
Prequalification submissions must be in English and must be submitted by 4:00 pm (1600 hours), Dominica time on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.
The method of submitting prequalification information is as hereunder:
One (1) Electronic Copy of the full set of tender documents and all supporting documents in [PDF] MUST be submitted to the first address (cpm@creadominica.org) below and copied to the second address (procurement@caribank.org) on or before the closing date as specified above.
The GOCD reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the prequalification process. GOCD will not be bound to assign any reason for not pre-qualifying an applicant and will not defray costs incurred by Applicants partially or in its entirety in the preparation and submission of the pre-qualification documents.
1. Address
Capital Projects Manager
The Palm Cottage Pavilion
Cornwall Street, P.O Box 1469
2. Address
Procurement Policy Unit
Caribbean Development Bank
P. O. Box 408
Wildey, St. Michael,