The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Volume 2: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) provides an assessment of potential impacts of the Project on environmental receptors, provides mitigation and monitoring recommendations and provides an assessment of residual impacts. This introduction provides an overview of the EIA process.
List of Abbreviations
Important note about your report
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Environmental Baseline
4. Air Quality
5. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
6. Geology, Soils and Groundwater
7. Hydrology
8. Water Quality and Freshwater Ecology
9. Landscape and Visual
10. Natural Geothermal Features
11. Natural Hazards
12. Noise
13. Terrestrial Ecology
14. MTPNP World Heritage Site
15. Hazardous Substances and Waste
16. Traffic and Access
17. Working Conditions, and Occupational Health and Safety
18. Associated Facilities and Cumulative Impacts
19. Summary of Environmental Impact Assessments
20. References