News Release No. 6/08-BG - Canada to host CDB Annual Meeting
April 17, 2008
No. 6/08-BG
The Government of Canada will host the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) next month.
The meeting will be held in the port city of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on May 28 and 29 at the World Trade and Convention Centre. The Governors' meeting will be preceded by a meeting of the Bank's Board of Directors (Monday, May 26), and by the Annual Meeting of Contributors to CDB's Special Development Fund (Tuesday, May 27), the concessionary window from which grants, as well as loans on more favourable terms than from the Bank's ordinary operations, are made to CDB's borrowing members. In the evening of the 27th, the William G. Demas Memorial Lecture, which honours the memory of CDB's second President, William Gilbert Demas, will also be held prior to the Governors' meeting. These activities will take place at the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel in Halifax.
Canada was a founding member of the Bank, which began operations in 1970 to contribute to the harmonious economic development of its borrowing member countries in the Caribbean.
The Board of Governors is the highest policy-making body of CDB, and meets once a year to review the operations of the Bank and to make major policy decisions. Each of the Bank's 26 member countries is represented on the Board of Governors.