
News Release No. 21/12-G - Professor Amar Bhide to deliver the Thirteenth William G. Demas Lecture

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April 23, 2012 No. 21/12 - G Professor Amar Bhidé, Thomas Schmidheiny Professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA, is to deliver the thirteenth William G. Demas Memorial Lecture. His topic for the Demas Lecture will be "Sensible Finance for a Dynamic Economy". The lecture will be delivered on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, in the Orchid Ballroom of the Marriott Grand Cayman Resort, as part of the activities for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). CDB established the lecture series in honour of the Bank's second President, William Gilbert Demas, an outstanding regional economist and public servant. Prof. Bhidé, who has been studying innovation and entrepreneurship for more than twenty years, has several publications in the areas of strategy, finance and firm governance. His ten Harvard Business Review articles include "The Judgment Deficit", "Efficient Markets, Deficient Governance", "How entrepreneurs craft strategies that work", "Bootstrap Finance: the Art of Start-ups", and "Hustle as Strategy". His work on financial markets and governance includes "The Hidden Costs of Stock Market Liquidity" in the Journal of Financial Economics and articles in the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. He has written numerous articles in the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, BusinessWeek, Forbes, the Financial Times and The LA Times. He is the author of A Call for Judgment: Sensible Finance for a Dynamic Economy published by Oxford University Press in 2010. His 2008 book, The Venturesome Economy: How Innovation Sustains Prosperity in a More Connected World, (Princeton University Press 2008) won the Association of American Publishers' PROSE Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence in Business, Finance, and Management, and was in the "Best of 2008" lists of the Economist, BusinessWeek and Barrons. Prof. Bhidé also authored The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses (Oxford 2000), and Of Politics and Economic Reality (Basic Books 1984). A native of India, Amar Bhidé received a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1977. He earned an MBA with high distinction as a Baker Scholar (1979) and a DBA (1988) from Harvard. He is a founding member of the Center on Capitalism and Society and spearheaded the launch of its journal, Capitalism and Society (published by the Berkeley Electronic Press) which he now co-edits. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. Prof. Bhidé previously taught at Columbia University, Harvard Business School and the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business. A former Senior Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company and proprietary trader at E.F. Hutton, he served on the staff of the Brady Commission which investigated the stock market crash.