
Shanghai World Expo 2010

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May 7, 2010 No. 17/10-G CDB PARTICIPATING IN SHANGHAI WORLD EXPO 2010 The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is among the institutions represented at Shanghai World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China. CDB is sharing a booth with the CARICOM Secretariat in the CARICOM Pavilion. Several of the Bank's Borrowing Member Countries are also participating in the Expo, and have space in the pavilion. The Bank views its participation as an important demonstration of support for this major undertaking by one of its non-borrowing members, China, and for the efforts of its participating Borrowing Member Countries to attract Tourism and foreign direct investment. Employees of the Bank will manage the booth, and share information about the work of CDB, particularly in the area of urban revitalization. This is in keeping with the theme of the Expo, ‘Better City, Better Life'. The theme is said to represent a central concern of the international community for future policy making, urban strategies and sustainable development. CDB President, Dr. Compton Bourne, is among the regional dignitaries scheduled to attend the exposition on CARICOM Day, July 17, to take part in the activities being planned for that day. Shanghai World Expo 2010 - considered to be the largest world fair ever - was launched on May 1, and will continue until October 31. An estimated 70 million visitors are expected to attend.