
Country Strategy for Antigua

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December 10, 2009 No. 29/09-BD CDB Approves Country Strategy for Antigua And Barbuda After extensive discussions with officials of the Government of Antigua and Barbuda, representatives of the private sector, non-governmental organisations and donor agencies, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has approved a Country Strategy for Antigua and Barbuda. CDB's Board of Directors approved the Country Strategy, which outlines the Bank's assistance strategy for that country over the period 2010-2014. The Strategy as outlined was developed within the framework of the development challenges confronting Antigua and Barbuda, the Government's National Economic and Social Transformation Plan and the interventions of other development partners. The major objectives of the Strategy are to: create the basis for achieving sustainable growth by supporting efforts to improve macroeconomic management and stabilise the fiscal and debt situation; promote social development and social protection; assist the Government in overcoming some of the country's infrastructural deficiencies; improve and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector; and enhance sustainable development, by encouraging environmental protection and supporting the development of disaster risk reduction policies. Specific interventions are expected to contribute towards the attainment of these objectives.

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