
CDB Supports International Crime Stoppers Conference

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The Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) is a proud sponsor of the 34th Annual Crime Stoppers International Conference to be held in Barbados from September 29 to October 3, 2013, under the theme, "Re-inventing for the Future."
On Wednesday, August 7, 2013, representatives of Crime Stoppers Barbados visited CDB's Wildey Headquarters for the official sponsorship cheque handover. The presentation was made on behalf of the Bank by Ms. Gail Royer, Legal Counsel and Member of the Sponsorship Committee; while Ms. Julie Dash, Chairperson of Crime Stoppers Barbados, accepted on that organisation's behalf.
Ms. Royer noted, "Crime Stoppers plays an important role in each society in which it operates by providing the public with a confidential mechanism through which they can report crime and criminal activities. The work of Crime Stoppers aligns with CDB's mandate to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the Region and its strategic theme of Citizen Security. Crime remains a major obstacle in the Region's social and economic development, with areas such as education, health care and the labour market all negatively impacted. We are very pleased to be able to assist Crime Stoppers with the hosting of its 34th international conference which will focus on advancing discussions in the areas of corruption, financial crimes and the financing of terrorism; intellectual property crimes and trafficking in illicit goods; and trafficking in human beings and crimes against children."
In thanking CDB for its support, Ms. Dash said, "Crime Stoppers values this tangible show of support by the CDB for our conference and look forward to a deepened relationship in the months ahead as we introduce various interventions to address "at risk" youth in our communities, drug and human trafficking. We are committed to working with all stakeholders to reduce the physical, psychological and economic toll of crime on our people. Together we can once again make the Caribbean synonymous with the image of a safe, secure paradise."
Interested persons are asked visit for further details on the thematic areas of the conference, or send enquiries to
CAPTION: Ms. Gail Royer, Legal Counsel and Member of the Sponsorship Committee, CDB (left) presents the sponsorship cheque for the 34th Annual Crime Stoppers International Conference to Ms. Julie Dash, Chairperson of Crime Stoppers Barbados.

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