
Top Digital Jam Developers Target USD180,000 in Revenue

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The developers of CrimeBot, the top application in the recently concluded Digital Jam 3.0 competition, are projecting over USD180,000 in revenues in the first two years after release to the public.
The five-member CrimeBot development team revealed that the winning application will be offered freely to users, with revenue generated via the sale of advertising space.
CrimeBot was selected as the top application from more than 160 submitted by the 50 finalists' teams from Jamaica, Barbados, Dominica, Haiti, Antigua, Trinidad & Tobago and St. Kitts. The participation of the Barbados and OECS developers in the competition was facilitated by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB).
CrimeBot creates a social community of watchers to map crime hotspots. Users can view crime directly around them, as well report crimes and search other locations for crimes. It would therefore allow users to know crime around them and even produce crime data to inform real estate purchases.
The application will allow users to input crimes that involve rape, murder, larceny, and missing persons.
The development team comprises of Messrs. Aldrean Smith, Dave Oakley, Garth Thompson, Kashif Hewitt, and mentor Francesco Ciriaci.
Initially, the application will be launched for Andriod devices at the end of March, followed by Windows, BlackBerry and Apple devices in the medium term.
Digital Jam 3.0 is an initiative of the Government of Jamaica, the World Bank Group, the Government of Canada and key partners including CDB, the Development Bank of Jamaica, the OECS Secretariat, Microsoft, LIME, Google, the Jamaica Gleaner, JAMPRO, InfoDev and other corporate entities.
Adapted from: Jamaica Observer
CAPTION: The CrimeBot development team.

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